Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ethics and the norm

I'm flabbergasted that we honestly have to have one whole week dedicated on the subject of ethics! I mean when did we as a race fall so low that we need professional teachers to tell students hoping to enter a work force about Integrity, or Humility and good work ethic just to name a few. Maybe it is me, maybe I am the odd one out. Maybe these things I did naturally is not the natural state of the majority of humanity. It could be because I am older (not really I at the moment am only 28), or since I have been out and about more then the average person my age... maybe a tad bit wiser. Or it could be because I am old fashioned and follow the morals set for me in a book written about 3.5 thousand years ago, with a revision added to that book some 2 thousand years ago. But once again I am just dumbfounded by the fact that we have this as a week of study. Of course I do acknowledge that we do need this in today's day and age.

I of course am not above the need of improvement. The hard part is seeing where you could be better or are failing at all. I will try to point out some of my greatest faults and how I have fixed them or how I am currently fixing/dealing with them. At first while at school getting my BS while attending the Art Institute of California San Diego, I honestly can say I was overly cocky. Though I though I was humble and I still believe I am humble to this day, I know now looking back to when I was at AI I was cocky, at least in my final year. Well I did not have to do anything really to fix that, it was the big fish in little pond effect really. I also had a few years on most of the people that were in the same class that I was so I drew and modeled faster and better then most of them. Most being the word I want to stress, I never though I was the best, though I did thing I was better then the majority of the students at the school. That also could be affects still clinging on me from the military... But regardless I look back on my attitude and my actions and I am ashamed of myself. I even approached someone I went to school with and apologized for my actions and the way I talked to her back then.

But that was then, lets look at what I am dealing with now.

I have been working in the same job for almost 4 years now, I get the same tasks day in and day out. Any task even if you love it, will get boring after doing it for the thousandth time. About a year ago I started to watch movies in a little window on the bottom of my second screen (this is common mind you and almost everyone in the company does it). But I have seen my self over the past year watching more and more movies/shows and it has effected my work flow. Along with that I did catch myself going to a lot, so much that I almost always had it up on my other screen (I don't do facebook, so I guess this was my facebook). About a month ago I noticed myself doing these things, and have taken steps to change it. I no longer go to polycount while at work, it is to much of a challenge for me to just look at one page, or just one thread... I could spend almost all day on that site. So I cut my self off from it almost completely.
 Other then that I don't know what else to say.


  1. I would say that your acknowledgment of having a big head while in school, would stem a bit from being in the military. I noticed as a teacher "when I was a teacher" that a lot of my military students, and then ones that were discharged and went to school right away had the same mentality. I am not sure if your "final thoughts" really showed that you have been "put in your place" and I think the few posts you have had, still show that "chin" or view of being better. I hope it doesn't come across as being mean, because that is not my intentions, just a notice of some behavior.

    1. Wow I never though that my big head came from being in the military. But I do think I am much more humble then what I use to be. My current attitude though seems to be tainted with a bitter attitude that seemed to have grown over the past few years. I am working hard on that bitterness but it is like a fighting growing wild fire at times, and I have to carefully watch myself at times to make sure I don't hurt those around me.
      Sadly I did not catch my bitter attitude flaring while I was making some posts.

  2. While I found your post enjoyable I do agree with Charles " I am not sure if your "final thoughts" really showed that you have been "put in your place" and I think the few posts you have had, still show that "chin" or view of being better. I hope it doesn't come across as being mean, because that is not my intentions, just a notice of some behavior. " But other than that you mentioned some of things you do at work. Dose that carry over to what you do as an artist?
